Saturday, November 23, 2013

Record Set Straight by Actual Authors of Vanderbilt Study

Good evening everyone. I felt the need to share  an op ed from the actual researchers who conducted Vanderbilt's  study on Tennessee's prek program.  In Mississippi and elsewhere some have cited the Vanderbilt study as a reason against pre-k.  From the attached link, , you will see the authors of the study "set the facts straight" about the results. In fact, they say, "One of the stated goals of TN­VPK is to improve the readiness for kindergarten of the children it serves, and that was clearly achieved." I encourage you to read it. 

MS's program, passed last year overwhelmingly by the legislature and signed by Gov. Bryant, has received positive national attention as to the proper way to invest in early education: requiring high standards with conservative, fiscally responsible principles. As the lead author of the bill, along with Rep. Toby Barker (R-Hattiesburg) I have had the personal pleasure of being asked to speak to legislators and groups across the nation about our program.  As far away as Idaho, they are looking to what we did as a model as evidenced by   MS is finally being seen as a leader in education on a national basis. For that I am thrilled.  Since passage of the law, MDE has had an overwhelming number of applications for funding prek collaboratives and the early results show communities are developing programs on the local level , maximizing private partnerships and providing high quality early ed.  This is exactly what we wanted when we passed the legislation.  Business groups, clergy, teachers, parents, and military all supported the passage of our law.  So far, it looks really, really promising in getting our state's children best education we can provide.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Senator Wiggins Weighs in on MS' Fiscal Future and Gives Impressions on DMR

As many of you know, one of the most important things that we legislators do is balance the state's budget.  This is something that the Republican leadership in Mississippi--Gov. Bryant, Lt. Gov. Reeves and Speaker of the House Gunn--taking seriously.  I know they, as do I, see this as the key to our state's future.  I joined David Elliott and Doug Walker on WLOX This Week to talk about Governor Bryant's budget recommendation that he released last week as well as certain impressions on DMR.  Click the link to see the interview:

WLOX News This Week: The State's fiscal future

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Opening Salvo

Welcome to my first blog.  I have created this as a way to share, especially things related to my service in the Mississippi legislature.  It is my goal to offer enlightenment and empowerment to the Mississippi voter.  I encourage all interaction.